MaxineWhereAreYouNow ™ | How To Have "Ultra Clean" Hair for ANY Situation

By : @TheBlogFAZ | Max Fuega 


When you want to get your hair the cleanest it can be for any situation you have to sometimes go through extreme measures to get the desired results. 

Below is a helpful hack that may put you on the right track for what you need, even if it is in a crunch. 


Results may vary, but nothing beats a failure like a try. 

I hope you (or whoever you share this post with) gets the outcome you are seeking. 

Peace & Blessings on trying to get the cleanest hair possible


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WHO  : 

This process can possibly work for any hair but this is specifically for hair that has curls and coils. 



The purpose of this post is to share a proven hack known to achieve ultra clean hair that can withstand any test or situation that calls for the cleanest hair possible in any circumstance. Some of what you need you may have at home already on hand, but for those who don't a list of what is needed with quick purchase links are listed below...

Necessary Items : 

(2) Plastic bags (any store plastic bag will do) 

(1) Shampoo of your choice (clarifying is more important than moisture)


Do this no more or less than 5-6 Hours before you need to have your hair its cleanest. 

HOW : (THE THOROUGH PROCESS | SHORT VERSION - scroll further down)

It will be helpful if you had help so that no parts of your hair is missed in this process. But it can still be achieved doing it alone. 


  • Run the water as hot as you can stand it without hurting yourself. 

  • Wearing the first pair of powder-free gloves, run the water (using the hose) over and through the hair once or twice (for curls and coils comb through hair with gloved hands | for locs gently separate at the hair base at a separation level that is comfortable for you and your natural hair journey).

  • Remove the powder-free gloves and wash hair with the shampoo of your choice (remember clarifying / clean is more important than moisturizing) and rinse.

  • Take new comb #1 and comb through hair (for locs use a 2nd pair of powder-free gloves  and comb through the locs to achieve a close enough effect to the comb through).

  • Place the plastic water basin in the sink (this is to catch the dirt from your hair not water so you don't have to place it under the faucet - you will be using the hose to wash the hair instead).

  • Douse the hair with about half of the box of baking soda - (while leaning over the basin) - MAKE SURE IT GETS INTO ALL OF THE CREVICE of the hair as much as possible. Be sure to lightly scratch throughout the scalp to ensure that it's getting into the roots. DO NOT SCRATCH HARD | THIS PREVENTS STINGING FOR THE ACIDIC PARTS OF THIS PROCESS
  • Douse the hair with half of the bottle of organic apple cider vinegar again lightly scratching to get it it deep into the hair and to bubble up and away any surface or just below the follicle residue that may be present. Let it continue to bubble and fizz in reaction to the apple cider vinegar until you feel like you've gotten every inch of hair and scalp

  • Remove the plastic water basin and dump the contents wherever you feel comfortable doing so, then with the hair in the bare sink (with nothing to catch it) massage and lightly scratch the scalp until you feel like you've gotten all of the hair and scalp and then pour the remainder of the organic apple cider vinegar on the hair and scalp (this is why you DO NOT want to scratch heavily or this will be like alcohol to an open wound - no matter what it will likely sting at some point depending on the sensitivity of your skin - but don't use any petroleum jelly in the scalp as this will be counterproductive to the process --- however, don't go beyond your limits and hurt yourself either). 

  • Rinse new comb #1 under hot as possible water. Get a new pair of powder-free gloves  and then use it to comb thru the hair. (again if you have locs claw through the locs with gloved hands as much as possible to achieve a similar effect).

  • Place plastic bag over the combed out hair only - ensuring that it is sealed in as tightly as you can stand it using large bandana #1.

  • Shake out towel #1 and then wrap it tightly around the hair with the plastic bag and let it sit (minus any other products) for ONE HOUR (if you are in a time crunch the use of a shower cap and a sit-under hair dryer or steam cap has been used successfully as an alternative - but for no more than 15-30 minutes)

  • Get 2nd plastic bag and wrap it around the hair as before but with large bandana #2 and let it sit for TWO HOURS. (If you are using one of the alternatives then at your own risk of effectiveness sit under the dryer / steam cap for the maximum allowable time based on the device's manufactured directions that you can also withstand).

  • After the 2 hours (or alternative time you chose) remove the plastic bag and the towel and wash with as hot as tolerable water THOROUGHLY! (DO NOT USE COLD WATER AS IT WILL CLOSE YOUR FOLLICLES AND THE HAIR FOLLICLES NEED TO BE OPEN TO RECEIVE AS MUCH ULTRA CLEANING AS POSSIBLE). 


 ZYDOT PROCESS (paraphrased | still review the FULL directions provided with your purchase)

  • Apply both #3 (Conditioner) Zydot Packets at the same time let it sit (based on directions) then rinse and comb out with new comb #3

Remember that only 5-6 hours before you really need your hair to be clean. 
If you do it too early the cleanliness properties and effort will be wasted (so don't do it like a day or 2 before). 
And if you do it too late you won't give yourself enough time to have maximum effectiveness for your situation. 

For the veterans of the process who just need a reminder  (or if you're just in a hurry) :

  • Pre-rinse hair with as hot as water as is tolerable without hurting yourself (separate hair while pre-rinsing with no product).

  • Wash hair with shampoo of your choice.


  • Apply organic apple cider vinegar (other 1/2), comb thru hair and wrap with plastic bag. Then wrap towel around plastic bag (new towel #1). | suggested time 1 hour | use heating alternatives with shorter times at your own risk.

  • Wash with hot water (as tolerable as possible without hurting yourself). 

      • Apply both #3 (Conditioner) Zydot Packets at the same time let it sit (based on directions) then rinse and comb out with new comb #3.

*** Use new gloves between hair washes, rinse combs thoroughly after comb throughs so nothing will be put back into hair, and use new towels when it makes sense to not put old hair residue on freshly washed hair. *** 


You can purchase all of the items mentioned by using these links : 


Some recreational activities can hinder having ultra clean hair suitable for any situation. 
If you have partaken in any such activities less than a week of when you want the cleanest hair possible, then you diminish the cleanliness of your results. 

NO GUARANTEES are being made with this post. 

It is unknown if getting ULTRA CLEAN HAIR using this method will damage your actual hair or not. 

This is NOT information being provided by a hair specialist of any kind, so this is if you choose to try this process you do this completely AT YOUR OWN RISK!

This is a hack being shared due to the success of others so that a quick answer can be found for the frustration of UNCLEAN hair. 

But if you have no other choice, hopefully this hack will get you what you need which of course is : ULTRA CLEAN HAIR FOR ANY SITUATION

Peace & blessings with your endeavors, MARTIAN 👽✌🏽🛸. 


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