A Brief Education : The 5 Love Languages
By : @TheBlogFAZ | MaxineWhereAreYouNow ™
By now any adult over the age of 25 knows what the 5 Love Languages are, or has at least heard about them in passing. If you are not familiar I will give you a short run down. This is a brief education, but I encourage you to take the time to check into it for yourself on a deeper level. Your relationship (and your partner) will thank you.
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Quality Time
Individuals with this love language feel most loved when receiving undivided attention (preferably without having to "nag" or repeatedly request it). Meaningful conversations, "Netflix & Chilling," playing board and card games, and believe it or not just being in the same room not even saying anything (when your relationship reaches that level of maturity) is top tier for those who prefer this love language.
Physical Touch
Acts of Service
Words of Affirmation
"I love you" goes a long way with people who have this as their love language. They want to hear it often, but it doesn't just stop with that. Showing appreciation verbally, being ENCOURAGED by words, and of course compliments are all very big green flags for this group. You will find these are your heavy digital communicators, usually via text and/or social media.
Receiving Gifts
The Main Take Away...
The 5 Love Languages aren't about just choosing one love language, it is a more encompassing concept. Every person on some level has a percentage of their heart that feels appreciated when any 5 of these are extended by a partner. It's just that some you deem more important than others. Knowing the love languages not only helps you learn how to love your partner. It can also help you verbalize how to help your partner better understand the best ways to love you as well.
You will find several quizzes out there ( I haven't created my own yet, maybe one day) but you may as well get the quiz from the main source so CLICK HERE to go further than this article and effortlessly narrow down your love language "hierarchy."
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